Saturday, October 10, 2009

Some Early Results

Well, I've some some early results from my advertising. Specifically, 1 reply. It's not much, but it's a start, and it's encouraging.

One thing I have read recently that I am really starting to see is that there are opportunities everywhere, but most people don't see them. One of the biggest reasons I've never really started a business is that I could never think of a good idea. I always thought that good ideas were something other people had. Since I've shifting into business mode, I can all of a sudden see all sorts of opportunities all over the place. For example, on a website I frequent I noticed that someone was selling an item for $200 that I know for a fact is easily worth $250. I managed to bring the seller down to $180. So now I have a $250 item for $180. Once I receive it, I will turn around and sell it for $250, and I will get $250 for it. I know this is a small deal, but that's $70 of free money. Imagine that on a bigger scale. What if I could buy a $200,000 condo for $150,000? That's $50,000 of instant profit. And I've seen those kinds of deals. I know they're out there.

There truly are opportunities all over the place. Have many times have you said to yourself, "Why doesn't somebody open up xyz store and sell abc?" Or something similar. I've said it a lot. Here I was looking for ideas, and I had them. Right in front of my face. Why didn't I open up that store? Or provide that service? Or how many other needs are there that people are willing to pay good money for, but nobody is fulfilling that need. Start looking, and you will see them. I don't think I will ever have trouble thinking up a good business idea again. Now, the hard part is making it work.


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